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Suzanne Gekker is a professional classical clarinetist who also plays traditional jazz and jazz manouche.

“Gekker..caressed Brahms’ writing with a tone that was like a ribbon of caramel." - The Washington Post


"Clarinetist Suzanne Gekker produced an admirably mellow sound..the performance proved irresistable" - The Baltimore Sun

“It is clear that clarinetist Suzanne Gekker is a player of great character.”-Fanfare Magazine

The clarinet is at the heart of so many different kinds of music - early New Orleans jazz, trad jazz, Django Reinhardt style gypsy jazz, swing, choro, and ragtime.

I love how the clarinet is featured in the music of so many of our greatest composers - Mozart, Brahms, Copland and many more


The clarinet in a wide range of styles….

Some recent projects: